Welcome to the Mier, Tamaulipas (Genealogy and History) page.
The purpose of this page is to provide you with resources so that you can better research your ancestors that might have at one point settled and or lived in Mier, Tamaulipas.
Resources on this page cover the years 1750's to present.
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Early Settlers of Mier
The following are the families that we have researched so far for Mier. This list will grow as we continue to do research on this early settling families. If you descend from any of these families you qualify for the Texas and LVDN First Families Certificate.
Las Villas del Norte Genealogy Database
We have thousands of families from Mier in our genealogy database that has over One Million names. It includes the above families and many more recent ones. Once you become a member of Las Villas del Norte you can search the database here: https://lasvillasdelnorte.com/database/
Books About Mier
The following are books that are available on Amazon and are about genealogy or the history of Mier. I also included the names of out of print books and a few links to eBooks available on the internet.
The following are out of print books that you can look for in a library using worldcat.org.
- Mier En La Historia
- Mier Church Marriage Records 1767 - 1925
- Mier Church Baptism Records 1767 - 1880 Volume 1
- Mier Church Baptism Records 1767 - 1880 Volume 2
- Mier Church Baptism Records 1767 - 1880 Volume 3
- Mier Church Baptism Records 1767 - 1880 Volume 4
- Mier Church Death Records 1767 - 1903 Book 1 A - Guzman
- Mier Church Death Records 1767-1903 Book2 Her-Z
The following are eBooks that you can read for free online.

Our Heritage Certificates
If you can trace your ancestry to any of the families listed above and can prove it with documentation then you qualify for our LVDN Heritage Certificate.
Genealogy Records
The following are Record collections that are available for free at FamilySearch. Mier Records FamilySearch Catalog
Join Facebook Group
You can join the Mier, Tamaulipas (Genealogy and History) Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lavillademier/
How to Support Our Work
The best way to help us provide resources about Mier and continue to research not just it's founding families but all families that have lived in Mier is by becoming a member of Las Villas del Norte. Click on the button below to read about the benefits of becoming a member.