Early Settlers of Mier: Jose Juan Pantaleon Isaguirre and Maria Francisca Antonia Ramirez

One of the early families of La Villa de Mier is that of: Jose Juan Pantaleon Isaguirre and Maria Francisca Antonia Ramirez. They are listed in the 1757 census of Mier as follows: "Juan Pantaleon casado con Antonia Ramirez, dos caballos, escopeta y cuchillo.". In English it states "Juan Pantaleon married with Antonia Ramirez, two horses, riflle and knife.".
The parents of Jose Juan Pantaleon Isaguirre are Martin Isaguirre and Juana Hernandez. The parents of Maria Francisca Antonia Ramirez were Jose Cristobal Ramirez and Maria Antonia Arredondo.
Please note that after Maria Francisca died Jose Juan married Maria Gertrudis Vela the daughter of Jose Lazaro Vela and Maria Antonia Garcia. In the next blog post I will post this second marriage.
Here is their family group...
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My Grandfather on my Father’s side was born in Mier. His name was Justo Ramirez.
Was he a descendant of Cristobal Ramirez?