Recap of Presentation “Why You Should Use a Computer Program to Manage Your Tree”

like always I had a great time presenting for Las Villas del Norte. This is the first video that we record without holding a meeting at our usual place. I think that we are evolving to be more digital with no central place other than our website.
We are currently looking into making webinars as a way of holding an online group meeting. This will be perfect for all members that live all over the United States and for those that live in Mexico and other countries.
Now let's talk about this presentation. If you are still managing your family tree with pen and paper and or another system to manage it then this presentation is perfect for you. Learn first hand how software can make you more efficient and help you find ancestors faster.
Here is the Outline of the Video and What to Expect
Intro Dialogue (0:10) - Just a quick introduction to the video presentation.
Using Paper to Manage Your Family Tree (1:40) - I provide and talk about printed genealogy charts and reports. Basically how to do and manage a family tree using paper. This was done to portray the stark contrast between the old way and using software to manage your family tree.
7 Reasons for You To Start Using Software (6:34) - I make the point and try and beat it with a hammer as to why you should use computer programs to manage your family tree. I provide you with the reasons that I use software.
What Genealogy Software is Out There (20:45) - I briefly talk about the different software that is out there. I also provide you with tips on how to chose the right software for you and avoid the mistake that I did while choosing one for my self.
Overview of Family Tree Maker (25:00) - I have no shame, I showed my bias as to why I love Family Tree Maker to manage my own tree and provide you with an overview of its functions and features.
Overview of Roots Magic (38:40) - I won't deny it, I complained as to why I don't like using RootsMagic but overall provide you with a good review of why you may like to use this program instead.
Overview of Family Tree Builder (47:40) - Finally, in this video I review Family Tree Builder, by the way ti was the first I ever used. I go over its features and highlight some things that I like about it.
Closing Comments (58:55) - In this section I just recap what you should have learned from the video.
Overall I enjoyed making this presentation and I know that our members will notice the high quality of the video (yup, finally we are getting better at making videos).
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Any questions, concerns, or suggestions please let us know below in the comment area of this post. Don't forget to join our mailing list using the box to your right hand side.
I think I owe my membership dues. Please let me know how, addressed to whom and where I am
to send my check.
Thank you.
Hello Ina, your membership is not due until next month on February 17, 2018. I also sent you an email today.
Moises, I have been using a genealogy program called Family Tree Quick and Easy 5 for more then 20 years to build my family tree database. I feel that it is very old and might not have all the modern features although it has the capability to create reports such as descendants, ancestors, and so forth, even can create a book form.
My questions is, “Am I able to purchase a more modern program and transfer my all my data to it and if so, which program do you recommend?”
Raul Garza
Raul, if the program you are using is serving you well then stick with it. Crispin is still using PAF and works great for him. But if you really want to change, all you have to do is export as a gedcom file and load it on the new software that you buy. If it does not let you export as gedcom then you are stuck with Family Tree Quick. I bought and use Family Tree Maker and the only reason is that it lets me add citations faster and easier than the rest. We can meet up so you can test drive Family Tree Maker since there is no trial for it and it has really gone up in price. All others do have a trial version.