Recap of Presentation “How to Organize Your Genealogical Information”

Are you struggling to organize your genealogical information? If you are, make sure to join Las Villas del Norte in order to listen to my presentation on how you can organize your genealogy information and stay on top of your game.
In this presentation I provide examples of popular methods of organizing genealogy information and then he will present on how he organizes his own genealogical information.
Now let's talk more about this presentation. If you are still managing your family tree with pen and paper and or another system to manage it then this presentation is perfect for you. Learn first hand how software can make you more efficient and help you find ancestors faster.
Here is the Outline of the Video and What to Expect
Intro Dialogue (0:00) - Just a quick introduction to the video presentation.
What You Will Learn (4:00) - I provide and talk about the things that you can expect to learn after watching the presentation.
Why Being Organized is Important (4:27) - I stress and provide examples as to why organizing and being organized with our genealogy is beneficial to you.
1. Find an Organizational Method (5:26) - I briefly talk about the different types of organizing your genealogy and the ones that I used as I learned genealogy.
2. Small Steps Go a Long Way (11:00) - I provide a simple method to tackle years of disorganization.
3. Don't Leave it for Tomorrow (15:40) - I provide and explain my simple method to being organized and staying organized in my genealogy.
4. Organize Your Books (16:46) - I also talk about organizing your book collection and why it is important.
My Own Method (17:49) - I show, explain, and go into depth as to my own method of organizing my genealogy information.
Useful Tools (37:52) - I provide a quick overview of two tools that can help you get organized.n this section I just recap what you should have learned from the video.
Recap of Presentation (40:26) - Finally, I provide you with the things that you should have had learned form the presentation.
Overall I enjoyed making this presentation and I know that our members will appreciate it.
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