Recap of Presentation “Genealogy: Let’s Make History!”

Esther Camacho present's on how to get started in your genealogy and make history in the process. At least history when it comes to your own family. If you are new to genealogy and or even an experienced researcher this presentation is right for you.
Here is the table of contents for the video and a short description of each. The numbers in parenthesis are the time in the video where that particular topic is mentioned.
Intro Dialogue (0:08) - Esther introduces herself and provides background information on her genealogical work and experience.
Getting Started (3:26) - The basic steps to getting started.
Basic Rules (9:18) - Important rules to always keep in mind. Getting started the right way will save you headaches in the future.
Types of Documentation (11:17) - Esther provided attendees with great go to documents to find great genealogical information.
Finding Information (18:19) - Here is where the hunting starts but don't worry Esther provided us with great go-to resources of where we can find information on our ancestors.
Apply Critical Thinking Skills (28:19) - Esther stresses the importance of always keep learning and also recommends to apply what you learn to your own research. Also, take the time to analyze what you find.
Other Sources to Consider (31:13) - Other great resources were presented where more genealogical information can be found.
Online Resources (33:30) - Genealogy has evolved and the advent of the internet has transformed genealogy research.
Things to Remember (36:28) - We were provided with great tips to always keep present when doing our genealogy research.
Last Final Advice (39:40) - Wise advice was provided.
Overall I think the presentation was awesome. Esther provided us with great resources, and tips that I am sure will be very helpful in your own research.
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