Recap of Presentation “Visiting a Cemetery and Uploading Photos to Find a Grave”

Watch Eligio Peña's presentation "Visiting a Cemetery and Uploading Photos to Find a Grave". Learn the basics of things you need to know before visiting a cemetery for research or to photograph its tombstones.
Also, learn about Find a Grave and how to upload images to it to help make them available to everyone.
You will also be amazed at how great of a tool it is and the kind of genealogical information you can find.
Below is the outline of the presentation and what to expect form each one.
Here is the Outline of the Video and What to Expect
Intro Dialogue - Just a quick introduction to the video presentation.
Find A Grave - Mr. Peña provided attendees with a description of what Find a Grave is and how he uses it to preserve cemetery headstones and also genealogical information.
Photographing Headstones - Mr. Peña provided how he does it to photograph thus offering us some great tips to use and keep in mind.
Cemetery Cleaning and Probing for Headstones - He briefly spoke about the tools that he uses to clean cemeteries and also how he does it and of the best find he has ever had.
Maps - He then spoke about how he uses maps to find and get to cemeteries and provided us with a tool that he uses personally to do this.
Texas Historical Commission - In this section he provided us with information on how to find cemeteries for any Texas town using the Texas Historical Commission.
Uploading Names and Photos - In this section Mr. Peña showed us how to upload names and photo to find a grave. We learned to add one name and if needed to, how to add hundreds of names very easily.
Family Search - He finally, spoke of how he uses FamilySearch to find extra genealogical information to headstones that he uploads to find a grave.
Questions and Answers - In this final section he answered questions form the audience.
Overall I enjoyed listening and recording this presentation and I know that our members will learn something new to them or at least pick up great ideas for their own research.
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