Recap of Presentation “Get to Know Las Villas del Norte Website”

Watch this presentation to learn about the resources and tools that Las Villas del Norte website has to offer to it's members. Learn how you can use them in your own genealogical research to find your ancestors and or learn more about Genealogy and DNA research.
This video is a great introductory video for our new members. Our existing members can also expect to find features that our website has that they may have missed.
Here is the Outline of the Video and What to Expect
Intro Dialogue (0:10) - Just a quick introduction to the video presentation.
About Las Villas del Norte and Support (5:30) - In this section of the presentation I provide an overview of what Las Villas del Norte is about and where it is headed. I also addressed the number one issue that members encounter with our website and how to resolve it.
Programs & Services (11:30) - In this section I talk about our Heritage Certificates, DNA Project, Library, eLibrary, Records Preservation, and our scholarship.
Publications & Blog (26:16) - Here is Provide an overview of our blog and what gets published on it. I also talk about our Journal, Newsletters, How to Videos, and monthly Presentations.
Research & Resources (35:15) - Here I show and talk about the Various resoruces that Las Vilals del Norte has, such as the Mexican Genealogy Learning Course, member family trees.
Community & Profile (43:22) - In this section I provide an overview of our forums, our facebook like wall, member directory and how to update member profiles.
Our Community Family Tree (50:06) - Finally, in this video I provide an in dept look at our Community Tree with over 54,000 names and talked about how it can be used in genealogy research. Our next update will have over 134.000 names.
Overall I enjoyed making this presentation and I hope that you enjoy watching it.
Watch This Presentation “Get to Know Las Villas del Norte Website” Now
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Join Las Villas del Norte today and you can watch this presentation online today, plus many more. You will also get our eBook "Las Villas del Norte, The 1757 Censuses of Laredo, Dolores, Revilla, Mier, Camargo, and Reynosa", plus the e-versions of our Journals, including a ton of other great resources to help you in your genealogy.
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