Recap of Presentation “Deciphering Historical Past Censuses”

Listen to Susana Privett's presentation "Deciphering Historical Past Censuses". Susana will take a closer look at the past historical records of our nation's censuses. Learn about the questions that each census asked, thus providing an insight into our ancestors lives and clues to finding more about them.
In my opinion the presentation was very informative and our speaker was very knowledgeable. As I listened to her presentation I keep getting idea after idea of clues that I had missed when researching the census records.
She provided an overview and samples of the questions asked in each census. This was great since she provided us with tips of things to look for as we do our research.
Below is an overview of the presentation and what each section covered.
Here is the Outline of the Video and What to Expect
Intro Dialogue (0:10) - Just a quick introduction to the video presentation.
1790 - 1840 Censuses (5:08) - In this section Susana talked about the questions asked for these censuses.
1850 - 1900 Censuses (10:56)- In this section Susana talked about the questions asked for these censuses.
1910 - 1930 Censuses (21:05)- In this section Susana talked about the questions asked for these censuses.
1940 - 1960 Censuses (31:47)- In this section Susana talked about the questions asked for these censuses.
1970 - 2000 Censuses (40:42) - In this section Susana talked about the questions asked for these censuses and how we the public will not have access to them until 75 years after each was taken.
Censuses of American Indians (44:25) Susana provided us with great places to research these censuses and also of what is available for research.
Enumerators and Training (47:00) - In this section we learned of how for the early censuses there was no training but as time passed training was developed. She also explains as to why some things are in the census due to this reason.
Age Search Service (50:28) - In this section we learn about the service provided by the census bureau where they do look ups and provide you with a legal and binding record.
Overview of (57:46) - Finally, Susana goes over the Census .gov website and shows us where to find what. Thus, making it easier for us to get the most our of the website.
I hope that you enjoy this presentation as much as I did.
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