Presentation Recap “Where to Find Genealogy Books Online”

In this presentation, I talk about the best places to find free and paid genealogy books online to use in your research. I also show examples of books that I use in my own research and were I got them. I also talks about what I consider to be genealogical books and how to use them in your own research.
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Now let's talk about this presentation.
Here is the Outline of the Video and What to Expect
Intro Dialogue (0:10) - Just a quick introduction to the video presentation.
What are Genealogy Books (3:43) - In this opening section I talk about the various types of books and their contents so you can learn what to look for. Also, if you are new to genealogy so you can have an overview of what is out there.
How to Use Books in Your Research (11:53) - I included this section to show how to use books to connect to existing research that other have done.
Where to get Free eBooks (20:45) - In this section I present the best places that i know of of where to find and search for free genealogical eBooks.
Where to buy eBooks and Books (29:38) - In this final section you will learn about the websites that I use to buy eBooks and books for my personal digital and home libraries.
I know this presentation will be an excellent resource for you. It contains links to all my favorite eBook and book resources.
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