Early Families of Cerralvo: Jose Miguel Eusebio de Chapa and Ana Maria Garcia

An early family of Cerralvo is that of Jose Miguel Eusebio de Chapa and Ana Maria Garcia. Here you will find their children and who they married.
The marriage records for Cerralvo are missing prior to 1756 and thus I think that trying to recreate family groups that lived before and or immediately after this date is very important.
Jose Miguel Eusebio de Chapa and Ana Maria Garcia needed a marriage dispensation due to both being related by blood.
Their marriage investigation is dated May 24, 1735, and it states that they were from Cerralvo.
The parents of Jose Miguel are Nicolas Chapa and Maira Ines de Benavides. The parents of Ana Maria are Francisco Garcia and Maria Gertrudis Guajardo.
Jose Miguel died before April 12, 1747, since on that date another marriage investigation was conducted so that Ana Maria could marry Bartolome Treviño.
Hopefully, this family group will help you and others in their research.
Here are the names of their children and whom they married. For more descendants of theirs please visit our Community Family Tree.
Here is their family group:
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