Early Settlers of Revilla: Cristobal Javier Baez de Benavides and Maria Margarita Ochoa

One of the early settling families of Revilla is that of Cristobal Javier Baez de Benavides and Maria Margarita Ochoa. They are mentioned in the 1750 census of Revilla but by the 1753 Census Cristobal is listed with his second wife, Maria Rita Lizarraras y Cuellar.
Cristobal and Maria Rita are also listed in the 1757 census of Revilla as follows "Don Cristobla Benavidez, casado con Doña Maria Cuellar, siete hijos, armas, cuarenta caballos y tres burros".
Margarita died prior to 1753 and by 1757 Cristobal had seven children listed in the census. I am assuming that most of them are from his prior marriage with Margarita.
Cristobal and Margarita married on February 12, 1736, in Cadereyta but unfortunately, the parents are not listed in the record. From other records, we know that the parents of Critobal are Juan Baez de Benavides and Clara Maria Gutierrez de Lara. I have yet to find the parents of Margarita.
Cristobal married his second wife on October 10, 1753, in Revilla.
The parents of Cristobals' second wife, Maria Rita Lizarraras y Cuellar, are Bartolome de Lizarraras y Cuellar and Maria Gregoria Martinez.
To date, I have only been able to find sixteen children for Cristobal with both wives.
Here are the names of their children. This family is also in our Community Family Tree. You can also find this family in the book "The Founding Families of Revilla".
Here is their family group:
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Where can I find the names of Maria Margarita Ochoa’s children and her descendants?
You can find them in our database here: https://lasvillasdelnorte.com/genealogy/getperson.php?personID=I17929&tree=LVDN1
Hello Moises, I am trying to find more information about the Cavazos/Solis linage. My great-grandmother Gregoria Cavazos was married in Guerrero, Tamaulipas in 1866 to Miguel Solis. I think Miguel Solis was born in Guerrero, Tamaulipas in 1840. There first son was Jose Julio Cavazos Solis born April 12, 1866, in Guerrero. Do you know how I can find out the names of Miguel Solis’ parents? Thank you