Recap of Presentation “Making Sense of Endogamy and its Effect in our DNA”

Listen to Moises Garza present "Making Sense of Endogamy and its Effect in our DNA". Endogamy is the tendency of intermarrying within a close-knit society. Moises provides some examples of his own ancestors and explain as to how it effects his and your DNA cousin matches estimates. This presentation includes great genealogical information as well as knowledge to help you understand DNA better.
Here is the Outline of the Video and What to Expect
Intro Dialogue (0:10) - Just a quick introduction to the video presentation.
What is Endogamy - I provide the definition and talk about the different reasons that may cause endogamy.
Are We Jewish - One reason that keeps coming up is that of our Jewish heritage. In this section I provide two answers to the question.
We Have Two Family Trees - I briefly talk about the two family trees that we have and explain the concept of both trees.
The DNA We Inherit - In this section I talk about the DNA we inherit and how endogamy effects how much we get from some ancestors.
Saltillo Families - I provide several founding couples of Saltillo and show the endogamy within them.
Monterrey Families - Some foundling families of Monterrey are presented and how they are related.
Las Villas del Norte - In this section I talk about several founding families of Revilla and Mier and their intermarrying.
Spotting Endogamy In Marriage Records - I provide you with what to look out for when reading old church records to spot endogamy.
The Effect in Our DNA - In this section I go into detail and provide a case in my own family as a sample of endogamy and relationship estimates.
Recommended Books - I close the presentation by talking about endogamy books, DNA Books and also books for Jewish research.
Like always I enjoyed making this presentation.
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