Presentation “Libro de Matrimonios de Reynosa 1790-1811”

Come and listen to Mario Davila will present his book "Libro de Matrimonios de Reynosa 1790 - 1811" and will also be talking about researching Reynosa genealogical records.
You are invited to attend our April the 12th meeting it is open to the public free of charge. So if you or anyone you know is interested in family history and genealogy we highly want to encourage you all to attend.
This will be the second meeting held by the Las Villas del Norte Genealogy Group.
Here is our program:
2:00 PM - Greet and Meet - Get a name tag and get to know other attendees
2:30 PM - Presentation "Libro de Matrimonios de Reynosa 1790 - 1811" by Mario Davila
3:15 PM - Open Registration if Anyone wants to become a member of Las Villas del Norte
We hope to see you there and will be glad if you can make it.
Can't Make it To This Presentation?
Don't worry, join Las Villas del Norte today and you can watch this presentation online today. You will also get our eBook "Las Villas del Norte, The 1757 Censuses of Laredo, Dolores, Revilla, Mier, Camargo, and Reynosa", plus the e-version of our Journals, including a ton of other great resources to help you in your genealogy.
Any questions concerns or suggestions please let us know below in the comment area of this post.