Early Settlers of Reynosa: Carlos Cantu and Maria Gertrudis Cavazos

Carlos Cantu and Maria Gertrudis Cavazos

One of the early settling families of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico is that of Carlos Cantu and Maria Gertrudis Cavazos. In the 1757 census of Reynosa they are listed as follows; "Don Carlos Cantu, Capitan reformado de esta Villa, casado con Doña Ana Gertrudis Cavazos, tiene dos hijos, todas armas y seis caballos. Este no recibio ayuda de costa cuando vino; fue electo Capitan para la primera poblacion y condujo las familias y fomento este establecimiento y ahora le han querido introducir en la matricula contra su voluntad, sobre que presenta y pide se le deje libre la voluntad de poderse ir con su familia a donde mejor cuenta le tenga".

The English translation is this "Don Carlos Cantu, reformed Captain of this Villa, married to Doña Ana Gertrudis Cavazos, has two sons, all weapons, and six horses. He did not receive shore help when he came; was elected Captain for the first population and led the families and encouraged this establishment and now they have wanted to introduce him in the registration against his will, about which he presents and asks to be released the will to be able to go with his family to where he counts the best have".

I could not locate any documents proving whom the parents of both Carlos Cantu and Maria Ana Gertrudis Cavazos are. A google search indicates that the parents of Carlos Cantu are Carlos Cantu and Josefa Gonzalez but unfortunately none mention as to where the information comes from.

I also found them listed in the 1750 Census of Reynosa and you can see the document here.

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