Early Families of Agualeguas: Jose Tomas Serna and Maria Ines Gonzalez

An early family of Agualeguas is that of Jose Tomas Serna and Maria Ines Gonzalez. Here you will find their children and who they married.
Agualeguas is a very ancient community and mention of it in records goes back to the 1600s. Before the 1820s people from Agualeguas would have their sacraments in Cerralvo.
Jose Tomas and Maria Ines were one of the earliest couples to get married in Agualeguas in the 1820s.
I have yet to discover who the parents of Jose Tomas are, they are not mentioned in his marriage record to Maria Ines. The reason for this is that Jose Tomas was previously married to Maria Rita Bosques.
The parents of Maria Ines are Jose Felipe Gonzalez and Maria Antonia Raphaela Canales.
To date, I have only found eight children for them.
Here are the names of their children and whom they married. For more descendants or ancestors of theirs please visit our Genealogical Database for South Texas and Northeastern Mexico.
Here is their family group:
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