Presentation Recap “The Historical Legacy of Juan Bautista Chapa”

Las Villas del Norte member Amancio Chapa presented, for the Mission Historical Museum, his presentation on his direct ancestor Juan Bautista Chapa.
Amancio's two-hour presentation is a must-see and hear for anyone who may have Juan Bautista Chapa as one of their ancestors.
He talked about the historical impact that Juan Bautista made in Texas and in Northern Mexico. He also talked about Juan Bautista's birthplace in Abasola Italy and his journey to New Spain and his service under Alonso de Leon.
He also goes into depth about "La Historia" that Juan Bautista Chapa wrote and it's importance to Texas history. "La Historia" is a 50-year history of Nuevo Leon which covers about the 1650s to the 1690s and includes details of the first explorations into Texas and contains great detail on the Native Americans living in this area.
Amancio also touched upon the French's attempts to colonize Texas and how Alonso de Leon along with Chapa tried to find their camp. They were successful but only after the Native American Indians had decimated them.
He also talked about the Poem to the French Woman that is found in "La Historia" and he also read it out loud for the attendees to get a feel for the emotions that Chapa might have had felt himself.
Overall it was an excellent presentation, which I encourage everyone to listen to.
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