Recap of Presentation “Using DNA to find the Parents of Maria Felipa de Cervera”

Learn how DNA helped solve the mystery of whom the parents of Maria Felipa de Cervera where and how she is a direct descendant of the wife of Diego de Montemayor the founder of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Maria de Felipa de Cervera was the mother of Francisco Angel de la Garza who married Maria Cayetana Peña. Both Francisco and Maria are the founders of Arcabuz, Tamaulipas. This town was located at the South end of the Municipality of Mier since the 1750's up to 1950. After 1950 it belongs to Miguel Aleman. She can be found in many people's family trees who have roots in Mier, Miguel Aleman, Roma, and Los Saenz.
Here is the table of contents for the video and a short description of each. The numbers in parenthesis are the time in the video where that particular topic is mentioned.
Intro Dialogue (0:00) - In this section I provide an introduction to the presentation.
Who is Felipa de Cervera (4:34) - Here I provided attendees with an overview of whom Felipa was, the time period she lived in, and why she is important to many families from Northern Tamaulipas and South Texas.
Maria Felipa's Children (6:28) - I provided everyone with an overview of her marriages and her children.
Possible Parents (10:15) - I talked about whom the possible parents for Felipa were.
Guess What (11:37) - I recalled and my disappointment when I found out that the parents that I thought were her parents turned out not to be since the DNA did not match.
Maria Longoria's DNA (13:44) - We compared her DNA to only reveal that Maria Longoria is not the mother of Felipa.
More Research (16:50) - More research has to be done to be for sure but for right now the results are solid.
Loose Ends (18:40) - Tying up the loose ends in the research to tie everything together.
The Clues Add Up (21:00) - Making sense of it all and providing conclusions as to all the research.
Question and Answer (23:50) - At the very end I answered questions from our attendees.
Overall I think the presentation turned out to be great since it is an excellent way to show anyone interested in testing with AncestryDNA of what they can expect to get and also how it can help them in their research.
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