Recap of Presentation “Researching Your Ancestors in the Rio Grande Valley”

Here is the Recap of my Presentation “Researching Your Ancestors in the Rio Grande Valley”. Make sure to watch it to learn about the best places to do research when visiting the RGV. Moises Garza talks about how to plan your trip and also he will provide you with the various local archives in the Rio Grande Valley of where you can search for your ancestors.
Don't come blindsided into the Rio Grande Valley to research your ancestors, listen to this presentation so you get the most out of your time and money.
Now let's talk about this presentation. If you are planing on visiting the Rio Grande Valley to research your roots, then this presentation is perfect for you. Learn about the various archives and places that records are located at.
Here is the Outline of the Presentation “Researching Your Ancestors in the Rio Grande Valley”
Introduction (0:10) - Introduction to the video presentation and background information on presenter.
Do Your Research (5:00) - In this section I provide you with the best tip that you will get when it come to traveling somewhere to do research.
Where to do Research in the RGV (12:39) - In this section I provided attendees with principles that can be applied to any place that you will be traveling to to do genealogical research.
Local Universities in the RGV (14:37) - I provide the names and talk about the local Universities that hold records and the types of records that they have.
Historical Associations and Museums (20:01) - Here I provide you with the best Association and Museum to do research in the RGV.
Local Public Libraries (23:01) - I also talked about my favorite libraries and the types of books to look for and or that you can find.
Tips and Recommendations (26:57) - In this section I provide you with copying of records ideas, contact with archivist best practices, and time management.
Planning Your Trip (31:26) - In this section I mention things to consider when planning your trip so that it can be practical and also have fun at the same time.
Recap and Ending Comments (34:10) - Recap of what we learned and also next months presentation information.
Questions and Answers (37:11) - in this final section I answer questions that the audience had.
Like always, I enjoyed making this presentation and I know that our members will appreciate having a resource to better plan their trips to the Rio Grande Valley.
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I have tried in every way to see this but have not been successful, I have never had problems before.
I emailed all members with a link to watch the presentation without having to log in. If you don’t remember your username or log in let me know so that I can resend you your information.
After trying to watch it as I do every time you have sent one, I tried it logging in. All I get is the box and the outline but there is no where a play button. I’ve clicked on every place but there is no video. I have no idea why, have never had a problem before. Oh, the title is kind of blurred together, if that helps. If you can I would appreciate you sending again.
If you log in you need to scroll down to enroll to watch the presentation. Once enrolled click on the “Get Started” button or click on the right-hand link “Introduction”. I also just sent you the link to watch the presentation without having to log in.