Recap of Presentation “Conversos: A Secret Past”

This is a recap of the presentation by Dr. Marie-Therese Hernandez "Conversos: A Secret Past" for Las Villas del Norte.
In it she talked about one of the earliest groups of crypto-Jews, or conversos, was brought to North America by Luis de Carvajal y de la Cueva in the 16th century and populated northern Mexico and southern Texas. Some abandoned allegiance to Judaism, gradually losing knowledge of their Jewish identity. Others held on to their beliefs and traditions, making modifications in forms of worship. Discover how families are uncovering centuries of secrets and redefining their cultural and ethnic identity today.
Below is an outline of the presentation and what you can expect to learn from the recorded video.
Here is the Outline of the Video and What to Expect
Intro Dialogue (0:10) - Dr. Hernandez provided attendees with information on her back ground and her research. She briefly talked also about her books.
Causes of Jewish Imigration (6:30) - We learned about the root causes and events that led to our Jewish ancestors migrating out of Spain.
The Role of Portugal (15:00) - Dr. Hernandez talked about the huge role that Portugal played in providing shelter to may Jewish families leaving Spain.
Nuevo Leon (19:18) - We learned about some Jewish families that ended up in Nuevo Leon with the help of Luis de Carvajal.
Jewish Migration Out of Spain (25:00) - Dr. Hernandez talks about the different areas that Jewish migrated to and also of how not all Jewish were treated the same by providing the example of Arias Montano.
Jewish Presence in Nuevo Leon and Texas (35:00) - Dr. Hernandez talked about the influx of Jewish well after Carvajal and also of the similarities that she has noticed between people of Nuevo Leon ans people form Portugal.
Tension Between Academics (40:00) - Finally, Dr. Hernandez talked about the tension that Academics have on Conversos.
Overall I enjoyed recording presentation and I know that our members will enjoy watching and learning from it.
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