Presentation “Your 19th & 20th Century Mexican Ancestors in the U.S.”
Join us January 9, 2023 for Colleen Robledo Greene's presentation "Your 19th & 20th Century Mexican Ancestors in the U.S.". The presentation will be uploaded to our website at 2:00 PM CDT. If you are a member of Las Villas del Norte just log in on that day and time to view the presentation. Not a member yet? You can join here:
More About Colleen Robledo Greene
Colleen Robledo Greene, MLIS, is an academic librarian and college educator. She is a nationally recognized speaker specializing in Mexican and Hispanic research, methodology, libraries and archives, and technology. She also teaches a graduate-level genealogy university course. Colleen has been researching her family history since 1997.
Presentation Information
Title: Your 19th & 20th Century Mexican Ancestors in the U.S.
Summary: A new border, new laws, a violent revolution, two world wars, and changing economic and political conditions significantly impacted your Mexican ancestors who came to or were born in the United States after the mid-19th century.
How to Watch This Presentation
If you are a member of Las Villas del Norte just log in on Monday January 9, 2023 at 2:00 PM CDT. If you miss it then just log in anytime after to watch the recorded presentation at your convenience.
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Don't worry, join Las Villas del Norte today and you can watch this presentation online after the specified date and time. You will also get our eBook "Las Villas del Norte, The 1757 Censuses of Laredo, Dolores, Revilla, Mier, Camargo, and Reynosa", the e-version of our current Journal, plus a ton of other great resources to help you in your genealogy.