Presentation “Cavazos Family History: Discoveries From 40 Years Research”

Come and listen to Robert Cavazos present on a small branch of a large family tree that goes all the way to the first Cavazos (Captain Juan Cavazos) in New Spain. You will also learn about the many interesting items he has found such as the largest land grant (San Juan de Carricitos) awarded by the King of Spain, to tragedies such as murder, kidnapping by Indians, infancy deaths, etc. In this presentation, he also provides information from the various families’ cemeteries, cattle brands and a collection of old family pictures.
The presentation will be February 9, 2020 at 2:00 PM at the Speer Memorial Library located at 801 E. 12th St. in Mission Texas. There is no cost to attend and it is open to the public.
Here is our program:
- 2:00 PM - Greet and Meet - Talk About Genealogy
- 2:15 PM - Presentation "Cavazos Family History Discoveries From 40 Years Research" - by Roberto Canales
- 3:10 PM - Open Registration if Anyone wants to become a member of Las Villas del Norte
- 3:20 PM - Networking time to meet each other and talk about research.
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We hope to see you there and will be glad if you can make it.
You Can't Make it to this Presentation?
Don't worry, join Las Villas del Norte today and you can watch this presentation online two days after it is recorded. You will also get our printed book "Las Villas del Norte, The 1757 Censuses of Laredo, Dolores, Revilla, Mier, Camargo, and Reynosa", the e-version of our current Journal, plus a ton of other great resources to help you in your genealogy.
Any questions, concerns, or suggestions please let us know bellow in the comment area of this post. Don't forget to join our mailing list using the box to your right hand side to get a recap of the presentation along with any important resources mentioned by our guest.
Where can we buy his books?
Contact him at [email protected]
Just finished watching the Cavazos video. Excellent and very interesting. I am a descendant of 2 of Capt. Juan Cavazos’ children, Maria Cavazos de la Garza and Joseph Cavazos de la Garza. My great grandmother was Maria de los Dolores Tamez Cavazos from Allende, NL. I have lots and lots of Cavazos in my line. Good job, Roberto!