Early Settlers of Mier: Jose Antonio Peña and Ana Lopez de Jaen

An early settling family of Mier is that of Jose Antonio Peña and Ana Lopez de Jaen. Here you will find their children and who they married.
Jose and Ana were listed in the 1753 census of Mier as family #17 and listed with no children. It is indicated that Jose is the son of Ana Maria Guajardo, listed in the census as family #3, who by 1753 was already the widow of Jose Jacinto Peña.
The 1753 census also mentioned that Ana was the daughter of a Poblador but in the 1753 census of Mier there are no "Lopez de Jaen" as settlers but then I remembered that these families came from Camargo. I found Ana listed in the 1750 Census of Camargo and her parents are Miguel Lopez de Jaen and Anna Maria de Hinojosa.
In the 1757 census of Mier, they are listed as follows "Don Jose Peña, casado con Doña Ana Lopez, tiene dos hijos, armas, diez caballos, un burro y dos burras".
To date, I have only been able to find nine children for them.
Here are the names of their children and whom they married. For more descendants of theirs please visit our Genealogical Database for South Texas and Northeastern Mexico.
Here is their family group:
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One of my ancestors is sometimes listed as de Jaen, other times not
It is common for it to sometimes be included and sometimes not.