Early Settlers of Matamoros: Ignacio Anastacio de Ayala and Maria Josefa de Trevino

An early settling family of Matamoros is that of Ignacio Anastacio de Ayala and Maria Josefa de Trevino. Here you will find their children and who they married.
Recreating the early families of Matamoros is not an easy task. Many records before 1800 are missing. Jose Ignacio is listed among the first settlers of the area.
The parents of Ignacio are Juan Bautista de Ayala and Barbara Gonzalez de Maya. The parents of Maria Josefa de Trevino are Jose Bartolome de Trevino and Ana Maria Garcia. Her ancestry goes back to the early settling of Nuevo Leon
To date, I have only found one child for them.
Here is the name of their children and whom they married. For more ancestors of theirs please visit our Genealogical Database for South Texas and Northeastern Mexico.
Here is their family group:
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Your site came up while doing DNA/Genealogy research in ref to my relative: Name
María Josefa González Treviño my 8th great grandmother. I’m filling in information on the tree and wondering what you may know about her specifically.
Best regards
Who was her husband?