Early Families of Sabinas Hidalgo: Jose Miguel Torres and Maria de los Dolores Villarreal

An early family of Sabinas Hidalgo is that of Jose Miguel Torres and Maria de los Dolores Villarreal. Here you will find their children and who they married.
Jose Miguel Torres and Maria de los Dolores Villarreal were married in Sabinas Hidalgo on May 6, 1761. I have yet to discover who the parents of Miguel are. Maria de los Dolores is the daughter of Blas Villarreal and Maria Micaela Torres.
To date, I have only found six children for them.
Here are the names of their children and whom they married. For more descendants or ancestors of theirs please visit our Genealogical Database for South Texas and Northeastern Mexico.
Here is their family group:
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My grandfather luz Torres was born in Sabinas in 1905. His father my great grandfather Marcos Torres and his mother Cleofas Ortegon Torres. They emigrated to the states during the time of the civil war in Mexico.