Early Families of Monterrey: Juan Bautista Chapa and Beatriz Olivares

An early family of Monterrey is that of Juan Bautista Chapa and Beatriz Olivares de Trevino. Here you will find information about his children and who they married.
Juan was born in Genova, Italy, and arrived in Mexico in 1647. It is believed that he entered El Nuevo Reino de Leon (Nuevo Leon) in 1650. Juan Bautista Chapa is considered to be the progenitor of the Chapa in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and Texas.
Juan Bautista was the son of Bartholome Schiapapria and Batistina Badi. He married Beatriz Olivares de Trevino the daughter of Juan Olivares and Juana de Trevino.
Below is the family group listing all their children. For more descendants of theirs please visit our Community Family Tree. Also, the book "Last Names of Nuevo Leon: Chapa" contains all the descendants that I have been able to find for him.
Here is their family group:
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I am a direct decendent of them X2. I have a record up until my great grandma but have not put in the time to complete my grandpa’s part. My great Grandmother was Cenobia Serna who was born around 1899 somewhere close to Villacillo. She married to Leonardo Chapa but it is believed he as adopted.
I am a great x4 grand daughter to my grandma Antonia Chapa who is the daughter of Cateyano Chapa who is the son of Joaquin Chapa. He was one of the original land grantees to a Mexican land grant down in Starr County, Texas. I hear that all Chapas are related. That Chapa is a last name that was changed from Schiapaparia.
We descended from Juan Bautista Chapa (Shiapaparia) of Italy, our other ancestor was also Diego Montemayor the founder of Monterey. And further ancestors also included El Cid.
That is awesome. If you are a member of Las Villas del Norte you can search for him in our community tree to see all the descendants that we have found for him. You can also see his will at We Are Cousins here: https://www.wearecousins.info/2016/02/the-1694-will-of-juan-bautista-chapa/