Presentation Recap “Alien Registration File or A-File”

Alien Registration File or A-File

Here is the recap of the presentation by Marty Puentes titled "Alien Registration File or A-File".  In this presentation Marty Puentes provided examples of what an Alien Registration File is, how they look, why they where created, and of the genealogical information you can expect to find in them. He will also provide us with the websites that can help you find them.

This presentation is already for viewing here: Alien Registration File or A-File

Now let's talk about this presentation. If your ancestors came into the United States form Mexico they may have an A File. Below is the outline of the video and what you can expect to  learn.

Here is the Outline of the Video and What to Expect

Intro Dialogue (0:10) - Just a quick introduction to the video presentation.

History of Laws and A-Files (2:42) - In this section Marti provided us with the laws that led to the creation of alien files and of who was required to have one. He also mentions the time period were when they were created and what is available to researchers.

Overview of AR Form (8:39) - In this section you will learn about every question that was asked in the Alien Registration File and of clues to look for to find additional genealogical records.

Additional Nuggets (14:33) - Here you will learn about the other documents and letters that can be found inside these files. If lucky, you may even find photos of your ancestors.

Where to Find Alien Files (20:26) - In this section we learn how to find out if there is an A-file on one of your ancestors and how to go about and request the file form the government.

Final Commentary (23:17) - In this final section we discuss additional things to look for .

Even-though, the presentation is only 30 minutes it is packed with great examples and the information that you need to go looking for these records.

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