Presentation Announcement “Our Black Sheep and Their Prison Records”

Our Black Sheep and Their Prison Records

Join us December 9, 2024, for Eleanor Brinsko's presentation "Our Black Sheep and Their Prison Records". The presentation will be uploaded to our website at 2:00 PM CDT. If you are a member of Las Villas del Norte just log in on that day and time to view the presentation. Not a member yet? You can join here:

More About Eleanor Brinsko

Eleanor Brinsko

Eleanor Brinsko is a professional genealogist who does European-American genealogy and specializes in Scandinavian-American genealogy by looking at genealogical and social trends on both sides of the Atlantic. Eleanor has given lectures for the Wisconsin Historical Society and public libraries, genealogical societies, and family reunions.

Presentation Information

Title: Our Black Sheep and Their Prison Records

Summary: Family trees often have ancestors that are not “acceptable” topics of conversation. But why is that the case? A common reason is they were in trouble with the law. We will explore three different case studies on how to use newspapers, online searches, archives, legal papers, and more.

How to Watch This Presentation

If you are a member of Las Villas del Norte just log in on Monday December 9, 2024, at 2:00 PM CDT. If you miss it then just log in anytime after to watch the recorded presentation at your convenience.

Not a Member Yet?

Don't worry, join Las Villas del Norte today and you can watch this presentation online after the specified date and time. You will also get our eBook "Las Villas del Norte, The 1757 Censuses of Laredo, Dolores, Revilla, Mier, Camargo, and Reynosa", the e-version of our current Journal, plus a ton of other great resources to help you in your genealogy.

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