Early Settlers of Revilla: Vicente Guerra Cañamar and Micaela Geronima de la Garza

One of the early settling families of Revilla is that of Vicente Guerra Cañamar and Micaela Geronima de la Garza. They are mentioned in the 1750 census of Revilla but by the 1753 Census Micaela is listed as a widow. In the 1757 census of Revilla she is listed as follows. "Doña Micaela de la Garza, viuda, cinco hijos todas armas y cuatro caballos". Vicente is also considered one of the founding captains of Revilla.
The parents of Micaela are Teodoro de la Garza Falcon and Maria Gonzalez de Quintanilla. The parents of Vicente Guerra Cañamar are Juan Guerra Cañamar and Elena Cavazos.
Vicente and Micaela married on January 15, 1732 in Sagrario Metropolitano, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
To date, I have only been able to find seven children for them.
Here are the names of their children. This family is also in our Community Family Tree. You can also find this family in the book "Early Families of Revilla and Their Descendants" and the book "Vicente Guerra Cañamar and Micaela Geronima de la Garza Seven Generations of Descendants".
Here is their family group:
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