Early Settlers of Mier: Jose Florencio Chapa and Maria Margarita de la Peña

Jose Florencio Chapa and Maria Margarita de la Peña are listed on the 1757 census of Mier. This is what is written "Capitán Don José Florencio de Chapa, casado con Doña María Margarita de Peña, tiene diez hijos, todas armas, diez caballos, cinco burros, cuatro burras y trece criados." As you can see it is mentioned that at the time he had ten children.
Jose Florencio is the grandson of Juan Bautista Chapa and his wife Beatrice Olivares de Treviño through their son Nicolas Chapa who married Maria Ines Baez de Benavides. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find the parents of Maria Margarita de la Peña yet.
Here is their family group and everything I have in regard to this early family of...
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Moises , Margarita was sister to my Ancestor Tadea Peña. Their parents were Jose Jacinto Peña and Ana Maria Guajardo. They first settled in Las Tortillas with their mother Ana Maria Guajardo.
Thank you Juanita, you are right of whom her parents are. I wrote this post over a year ago and since then have found her parents. I found them in the book of Jose Felipe de la Pena “Los Pena de NUEVO LEON, TAMAULIPAS, Y TEXAS 1754-1919 FOURTH EDITION”.