Early Settlers of Mier: Gaspar Garcia and Maria Gertrudis Barrera

One of the early families of La Villa de Mier is that of Jose Gaspar Garcia and Maria Gertrudis Barrera. They are listed in the 1757 census of Mier as follows: "Don Gaspar Garcia, casado con Doña Maria Gertrudis, tiene cinco hijos, todas armas, diez caballos y un burro".
I have yet to find whom the parents of Gaspar and his wife Gertrudis are.
Here is their family group...
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I have also been trying to find out who their parents are….
Hopefully one day we can figure it out.
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They are my 4times grandparents and have them on my tree. I too cannot find their parents.
Great, if you want me to add you as a descendant of theirs please send me your branch linking you to them.
I have Jose Tomas Garcia B 1705 and Maria josefa De La Garza 1710-1780 as possible parents of Jose Gaspar.
I have yet to find any record listing them but I will look into them to see if I can find anything linking them.
According to my research I am also a possible descendant. My great grandfather was Candelario Garcia Barrera, His father was Remigio Garcia (Married to Agapita Garcia) , His father was Jose remigio Garcia (married to Maria Ysabel Flores), His father was Jose Garcia Barrera (Married to Maria Gertudis Canales Flores), his father was Jose Garcia de la Garza (Married to Gertrudis Barrera) his father was Jose Tomas Garcia (Married to Maria J de la Garza).
I say possible because I cannot find any records for Candelario. The reason I know the names is because my late grandmother gave them to me before she passed. She also gave me a list of last names she remembered for me to include in my research. The line described above is the most relevant for me and could use a little help to confirm.
I searched our community tree and don’t have Candelario on it.
Moises, I have a question about the death date you listed for Gaspar Garcia (20 Apr 1795). I located a similar listing in Mexico, Find A Grave Index, but it listed Maria Guadalupe Flores as his spouse. I also recall when I perused through the Mier Patrones records, I found a similar Gaspar Garcia married to this same person. But, there was also a record for Gaspar Garcia married to Maria Gertrudis Barrera. Furthermore, recently I found an article called Indian Uprising in (1812), an article that referenced a primary source written by Capitan Pedro Lopez Prieto describing the events of that uprising in Camargo. In his report, he states “On the morning of April 3, 1812, Don Gaspar Garcia, carrying the baton of Alcalde Jose Perez Rey, approached me with a petition for civilian and military assistance to pursue a runaway Indian, Juliain Canales.” In the footnotes it further states that Gaspar Garcia (married to Maria Gertrudis Barrera) was a “rancher and landowner who received the first land grant (porcion) in the town of Mier…” Furthermore, in the final pages of this report, Capitan Lopez Prieto states that Gaspar Garcia is killed in the uprising of 1812.
Could you please advise me as to which of these facts about Gaspar Garcia’s death are correct. I am not his direct descendant because I am a descendant of Juan Ignacio Barrera (criado de Gaspar Garcia).
Thank you and I look forward to your thoughts on this matter.
Yolanda, by looking at the page I can tell you that I got the date from Crispin Rendon (citation #9 and to be honest I don’t know where he got it from). I looked at the Camargo death index and found that a Gaspar Garcia, husband of Petra Garcia, was killed on April 9, 1812. Could this be the Gaspar Garcia mentioned in the report? Also, on the index, I did not find a Gaspar Garcia that died on April 20, 1795. I also looked for any mention of a Gaspar Garcia in the protocolos de Camargo but no luck.
Thank you for your reply. After further research, I did find that Gaspar Garcia (d: 1795) was married to Maria Guadalupe Flores and that she was his second wife. In the records from The Mier Church Padrones (1782-1795), it lists them as married, but the children listed are the same ones from Gaspar Garcia and Maria Gertrudis Barrera. So clearly, it is the same Gaspar Garcia. His death is recorded in Ancestry.com in cemetery records of Mier.
The only thing I can conclude is that the Gaspar Garcia mentioned in the Indian Uprising report at the beginning is the same one from Mier. But, at the end of the report, the Gaspar Garcia killed on April 9, 1812 may have been a different Gaspar Garcia, as the footnote lists him as a native inhabitant from Camargo. I will continue to do research and appreciate your information on this.
One last question, how can I overcome a brick wall in regards to Gaspar’s adopted son Juan Ignacio Barrera? I feel I am limited due to his adopted status. I also don’t know where Gaspar and Maria Gertrudis orginated from. That might help me to find some answers. Any suggestions where I could find that information?
Thanks for all your help.
P.S. I have listened to most of your podcasts on We Are Cousins and really enjoy them. They’re outdated, but still valuable.
I think you may be right. Gaspar mentioned in the uprising is the same Gaspar. On his daughter’s, Maria Josefa Garcia, baptismal record, it has her listed as “india” and parents as “padres gentiles” which usually refers to indians not yet baptized.
Okay so I did discover that Gaspar Garcia’s second wife was Maria Guadalupe Flores, but this does not explain why his death date is in 1795 if he appears in this report written in 1812.
Anyone have any idea?
I am a descendant of Don Gaspar Garcia via his son Jose Tomas Garcia, his son Andre’s (original Mexixan 22,000 acres land grant, SAN ANDRES DE LOS INDIO, Duval County/ Texas, his son Jesus,, his son Gaspar, his son Ernesto n his son Gilberto (my father). Jesus, Gaspar n Ernesto buried at the family cemetary GARCIA BARRANCO BLANCO CEMETARY near Benavides, texas.