Early Settlers of Camargo: Pedro Cantu and Juana Gonzalez

One of the early settling families of Camargo, Tamaulipas, Mexico is that of Pedro Cantu and Juana Gonzalez. Int eh 1757 census of Camargo they are listed as follows "Pedro Cantu, casado con Juana Gonzalez, tiene diez hijos, todas armas, sesenta caballos, siete burros, seis burras y tres sirvientes, casados con doce personas".
I have yet to find out who the parents of Pedro Cantu and Juana Gonzalez are.
Below is the image and transcription of their entry in the 1750 census of Camargo.
Also, below you will also find the names of their children. For more descendants of theirs please visit our Community Family Tree.
Here is their family group and 1750 Census:
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