Early Families of Cerralvo: Jose Ignacio Ramos and Maria Josefa Salinas

An early family of Cerralvo is that of Jose Ignacio Ramos and Maria Josefa Salinas. Here you will find their children and who they married.
The marriage records for Cerralvo are missing prior to 1756 and thus I think that trying to recreate family groups that lived before and or immediately after this date is very important.
Jose Ignacio and Maria Josefa were also related by 3 degrees of Sanguinity, their church marriage took place 05 Feb 1765 in San Gregorio Magno, Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
The parents of Jose Ignacio Ramos are listed as Jose Pedro Eufracio Ramos and Maria Teodora Canales. The parents of Maria Josefa Salinas are Juan Francisco Salinas and Maria de los Santos Olivares.
Hopefully, this family group will help you in your research.
Here are the names of their children and whom they married. For more descendants of theirs please visit our Community Family Tree.
Here is their family group:
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