Presentation “So, You Think You Are Related to a Mexican Revolutionary?”

Join us March 14, 2021 for Cindy Medina's presentation "So, You Think You Are Related to a Mexican Revolutionary?". The Zoom presentation will be at 2:00 PM CST. If you are a member of Las Villas del Norte be on the look out on March 10, 2021 for your invitation in your email inbox or log in to our website and go to our calendar to get the link. Not a member yet? You can join here:
More About Cindy A. Medina

Cindy A. Medina is a publicist, history activist and genealogist. Her forte state is the state of Chihuahua. She is the cultural promoter and publicist for the Pancho Villa Stash House in El Paso, Texas. She is also the U.S. Ambassador for the General Felipe Angeles Foundation
Presentation Information
Title: So you think you are related to a Mexican Revolutionary?
Summary: With the popularity of genealogy growing in Hispanic homes, there is also a desire to find out if one is related to a famous revolutionary or government federal. It is a matter of connection and pride. Who are these revolutionaries? Where do some of their descendants live?
How to Watch This Presentation
If you are a member of Las Villas del Norte check your inbox on or after March 10, 2021 for your Zoom invitation to join us via Zoom on Sunday March 14, 2021 at 2:00 PM CST. If you miss it then just log in anytime after March 14, 2021 to watch the recorded presentation at your convenience.
Not a Member Yet?
Don't worry, join Las Villas del Norte today and you can watch this presentation online on or after March 14, 2021. You will also get our eBook "Las Villas del Norte, The 1757 Censuses of Laredo, Dolores, Revilla, Mier, Camargo, and Reynosa", the e-version of our current Journal, plus a ton of other great resources to help you in your genealogy.
I know that I am the great-granddauggter of a Mexican Revolutionary named Miguel Garza Sr. He lived in Salineño, Texas—33 miles away from Zapata, Texas—he was the oldest son of Lazaro Garza Garcia Canales who used to be a Mexican Military Officer and Leader of the US and Mexican Border relations from Baja California to the Deep South of Texas. My grandfather Miguel Garza, Jr. would tell me stories of his father smuggling and harboring firearms in our family ranch for Emiliano Zapata. We have even found the famous bullet belts scattered about our ranch in Salineño among other cool items such as obsidian arrowheads. As a child and now as an adult, I have combed through 44 acres of family history in search of more evidence.