Early Settlers of Matamoros: Juan Jose Antonio Cisneros and Maria Antonia Guajardo

An early settling family of Matamoros is that of Juan Jose Antonio Cisneros and Maria Antonia Guajardo. Here you will find their children and who they married.
Juan Jose Antonio Cisneros and Maria Antonia Guajardo are listed, in documents dating 1784, among the thirteen settlers of the area that later on became Matamoros.
Juan Jose Antonio Cisneros is the son of Bartholome Cisneros and Maria Mariana Villegas who were from El Valle de las Salinas, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Maria Antonia Guajardo is the daughter of Thomas Guajardo and Maria Ignaica de Villarreal, whom we can only assume that they were from the Monterrey area since they got married in June 16, 1721, in Sagrario Metropolitano, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
To date, I have only found eight children for them.
Here are the names of their children and whom they married. For more descendants or ancestors of theirs please visit our Genealogical Database for South Texas and Northeastern Mexico. This family and their descendants are also listed in the book "Matamoros: The Early Settlers and Their Descendants".
Here is their family group:
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