Join our Family Today!
Las Villas del Norte provides you with online presentations, a genealogy database with over one million names, and publications to help you find your ancestors so that you can leave a rich legacy to your children, and their children.
What You Get When You Join
Learn by Watching
Get access to one or two new presentations every month. All topics are genealogy related. You also get access to over 170 archived past presentations.
Access to our Genealogy Database
As a member you get access our database that contains over 1,140,000 persons from Northeastern Mexico and South Texas. Every fact has a citation!
Our Digital News Letter
Get our digital news letter every 3 months. It contains everything that is published on our website and more. You will also have access to 35 past newsletters.
Your Questions, Answered
Tired of asking Google? Get your genealogy questions answered by other members in our Community Forum.
Yearly Journal to Preserve your Family History
Get our yearly digital journal for free. You will also get the opportunity to publish your articles and family stories as a way to preserve them.
Network and Collaborate With Others
We have groups by Mexican States and Towns so you can meet and collaborate with other members that are researching ancestors in the same area as you.
Members Only Content Posts
At least two members only posts are published each month.
Links to Hundreds of Genealogical Resources
Hundreds of links to all the genealogy resources that you will ever need to grow your family tree.
Aside from these benefits you will get immediate access to our Growing Archives of digital Newsletters, Yearly Journals, and Video Recordings
Our Area of Research
Most of our recorded presentations cover genealogy methodology topics. The rest of our presentations are focused on Texas and Northeastern Mexico genealogy/history. Our newsletters and journals cover mostly the genealogy of families from Texas, Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo Leon, memebrs are welcoemd to submit articles form any area of Mexicoa dn the United States.
Even if your ancestors did not live in Texas and Northeastern Mexico you can still learn from our presentations and from our publications you can get ideas on how to research and or what records to search for in your own research.
Free eBook and Digital Journal
Delivered to Your Email Address

You will get the digital version of our book "The 1757 Censuses of Laredo, Dolores, Revilla, Mier, Camargo, and Reynosa".
Delivered to Your Email Address

You will get the digital version of our journals plus over twelve digital quarterly newsletters, and get new ones as they come out.
You can be reading these books as soon as you join.
Get This eBook as a Bonus When You Join
Offer Good Until January 31, 2025
Start the right and fast way. Get our book so that you can start searching for your ancestors with a solid foundation.

Discover your ancestors and find out who you are. This book will provide you with everything you need.
This book presents information in a clear and concise manner and everything you need to know about Mexican Genealogical research will be right at your finger tips.
Join Our Community Today!
We offer three types of memberships so you can choose the one that is right for you.
The Digital Plan.
All Member Benefits plus:
The Printed Journal Plan.
All Member Benefits plus:
The Printed Journal and Newsletter Plan
All Member Benefits plus:

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
To make your purchasing decision easier, we are proud to offer a 30-day unconditional money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.
Mail In Membership Application Instead
If you don't have a credit card you can print out the Membership Request Form and mail it in with your payment as a check or money order. Your membership will start once we receive your application.
* Our payment processor is Stripe. They are secure and we have fully tested them. Also be aware that your yearly subscription will auto renew each year unless you cancel. Also please note that memberships outside of the Untied States are only digital content. We can not ship books or newsletters outside the United States.