Las Villas del Norte Genealogy Group helps you find your ancestors by providing you with online presentations, resources, and publications so you can leave a legacy for your children, and their children.

Join our family today!

Watch Our Presentations Online

Each month we record one to two genealogy presentations that you can enjoy

from the comfort of your own home. Here are the most recent ones.




Through diverse case examples, participants learn to about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to utilize ChatGPT for tasks such as extracting data from obituaries, storytelling, translating documents, and more, enhancing their genealogical work.

2 Lessons - None




Notarial records are an important, though often overlooked, record source for genealogists in Mexico. This presentation will introduce the content and scope of Mexican notarial records, and explain where to find original and indexed versions of these records. Also included will be hints for how to read notarial sources.

2 Lessons - None




This class is designed to be a comprehensive introduction and guide to genealogical methodology, including: creating meaningful research goals, choosing and locating various types of records, thorough evidence analysis, and integrating the Genealogical Proof Standard. Geared towards beginners, but an excellent review for all skill levels!

2 Lessons - None

View our Presentation Archive, we have over 89 presentations for you to enjoy!

Enjoy our Yearly Journal

Las Villas del Norte 2022 Journal

Each year our members get the opportunity to preserve their family genealogy and history in our yearly journal. It is a journal by members for members.

To date we have created five journals. When you become a member you will be able to access all of them without having to pay for each individually.

Quarterly Newsletter

Every three months we publish a quarterly newsletter that is over 25 pages or more.

As a member you will get it the PDF version right on your email inbox. We currently have twenty five newsletters that are included with your membership.

Las Villas del Norte Volume 8 Issue 1 - March 2022

Free eBook

All of our members get the eBook "The 1757 Census of Laredo, Dolores, Revilla, Mier, Camargo, and Reynosa", included wtih their memebrship.

Join Our Family Today!

Learn from our presenters and how to videos on how to better do genealogy research, about the resources, and tools that are out there so you can find your ancestors. Leave a rich genealogical legacy to your loved ones.